ZL-56 WW

Level 4 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant

An ultra-high sensitivity penetrant (Level 4), ZL-56 WW fluorescent water-washable penetrant is safe for use on alloys in engineering and aerospace use, including aluminum, steel, nickel and titanium. ZL-56 WW is designed for non-porous and highly machined components.

Ordering Information

5 gallonsF02019

20 litresF02024

205 litresF02006

Product Properties

NDT TypeFluorescent Penetrant Testing

Penetrant TypeType 1

Fluorescent Penetrant SensitivityLevel 4 - Ultra-High Sensitivity

Penetrant MethodsMethod A, Method C

Removal TypeWater Washable

Required EquipmentUV light source


Ideal ApplicationAerospace alloys, Aluminum, Critical components, High-stress parts, Nickel, Non-porous surfaces, Smooth, machined surface finish, Steel, Titanium

Defect ExamplesFinished surface cracks, Scratches

Compliance Title

StandardsAECL, AMS 2644, ASME BPVC, ASTM E1417, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, Boeing PS-21202, General Electric P50YP107


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